Forget your hard disk. I'm here

Head in the Clouds of the Future.

I Unus Mundus, founding member of the Chaos Theory team, sit at my desk, before this machine. Next to me, like drones, are several people, tapping away on keyboards just like mine, just as corporate Homo Sapiens have done for the past few decades

But there is a little difference;

30 years ago, we would have been working at server terminals- Yeah. You remember servers, don’t you? Those old, creaky, humongous machines that made IBM a fortune?

20 years ago, we would have been working on personal computers – Remember those too? Those machines that took away the business from IBM and put it in Bill Gate’s pocket?

10 years ago, the cool guys would have had laptops – The ones that could be used as training weights or blunt instruments

Now a lot of folk are just tapping away at their smart phones and tablets; Half-phone, half super-computer and 100% mind control device of Steve Jobs.

We still seem far away from The Singularity (what my idiot friend and also founding member of The Chaos Theory Team, Higgs Boson, insists on calling the convergence of all technology). Yet, Higgs is more than willing to bet all our money (through Chaos Theory) and my reputation (since he has none) on this convergence.

In the conversation below, he claims the next step towards Singularity is the exodus to The Cloud. Read and learn (or pretend to learn), mere mortals, from The Chronomancer himself, Higgs Boson.


Location: The Vortex, Chaos Theory secret underground lair.

Time: Classified.

Date: Sometimes between just before this article was written and when you read it.

Participants*: Unus “Synchronicity” Mundus and Higgs “The Chronomancer” Boson


HIGGS: Hey Unus, what are you doing?

UNUS: I’m sitting at my desk, trying to sort out the mess you just made.

HIGGS: Oh yeah? Cool (A brief pause). Have you read the reviews of the Windows 8 official video?

(Read a review here )

UNUS: Yeah. Apparently, it is said to be influenced by the Apple IOS. So it will scale from touch screen devices to desktop.

HIGGS: Well, do you realise the significance of that?

UNUS: Err… they’re trying to reach out to mobile users while maintaining the old PC format?

HIGGS:  That’s not the larger significance. It means Microsoft has surrendered. They have given up on desktop paradigm and local infrastructure. Windows 8 is just a midway point; they see where it’s going to end.

UNUS: Where is it going to end? Oh, let me guess, The Singularity?

HIGGS: Yes! Obviously! Tablets and mobile devices invariably mean cloud storage. The Clouds is just one more step towards The Singularity. 90% of your tech-savvy user’s services are already in the cloud (Higgs is always pulling such stats out of his nether realm but here are some real stats).

Of course, you know that Apple, Google and Amazon are struggling to be first to launch a cloud music service? (A few days after this convo, Apple launched the iCloud service and Mr. Chronomancer gloated for days). Microsoft is even taking a step ahead of Apple – they are supporting native apps that are made directly with web technologies; HTML5 CSS and JavaScript.

UNUS: Well, yeah. It makes sense sha. Sharing resources. It is more efficient.

HIGGS: Look, the browser is the new operating system. Google had already been running with this

even when people were talking about the stupidity of having Android and having Chrome. Android is great, it was an answer to Apple IOS, but even at that, it is not the future.

UNUS: Oh, it is not? I thought you were completely sold out on Google

HIGGS: Well, I hope they realise that the future is The Web. The Web is the Cloud. Apple will seriously be at a disadvantage when you have to learn a custom API and SDK to write their apps (He also throws about acronyms to make himself look smarter). Microsoft has finally gone the way of web tech. Google did it years ago.

UNUS: So you’re saying web developers will rule the world soon?

HIGGS: YES! And Nigeria doesn’t even know the power of The Web yet. But we will show them, we will declare its mighty works from the rooftops and from every street corner…for WE ARE CHAOS THEORY… muahahahahaha


At this point, he is so passionately focused on making his point, he literally goes hopping mad. But since I’m the awesome person that I am, I keep as cool as a cucumber; even when he sticks his face close to mine, shouting at the top of his voice and spraying me with saliva.

HIGGS: Remember that The Chronomancer declared these things in his realm where all time is one.

UNUS: Oh boy, here we go again. Have you taken your pills yet?

HIGGS: But yea mortals chose to doubt, you are chained by the bounds of time and your limited vision.

The Chronomancer is manifest!

He pauses to take his pills. The little red capsules.


UNUS:  But isn’t the cloud a recipe for chaos? I’m not convinced that there’s adequate security on the cloud.

HIGGS: Sharrap! You still resist? You still hold on to your barbaric ways?  The Nigerian Police hasn’t convinced us there is adequate security in Lagos. Do you stay locked up in your house?

UNUS: I’m only in Lagos because I don’t have a choice. If the world wasn’t restricted by boundaries maybe I’d be in Islamabad.

HIGGS: Hahahahaha. Islamabad. Hehehehe. Same thing applies to London or Limpopo (even though The Limpopo is actually a river, but don’t tell Higgs that).

UNUS: But security is fundamental to any kind of society.  Would you willingly live in a warzone?

HIGGS: Dumb ass! The cloud is actually more secure than most local storage. You actually thing Google or Apple’s multi-billion servers and best security experts in the world are less secure than your tablet? What is wrong with you people? How many times have you had to wipe your computer because of a virus? What kind of security is that?

UNUS: Threats to security come in all sorts of guises. Imagine a terrorist attack for instance. Wouldn’t the cloud make us more susceptible to such an attack? And then there is the issue of Big Brother; how do I ensure my privacy?

HIGGS: That’s the same as village people thinking cameras will capture their souls…baseless paranoia!

And what is more likely, a terrorist attack on cloud infrastructure or your hard disk crashing? Besides, cloud is not a place. Info is dispersed over different servers in different parts of the world.

UNUS: But isn’t a group of people ultimately responsible for hosting the cloud even if it is indirectly?

HIGGS: The internet was built specifically to survive the nuclear Armageddon (another anally-manufactured factoid).It will reroute itself around points of damage. Internet technologies are like super-virus-cockroaches; they just won’t die. Forget terrorist attack. Only aliens can knock down the Internet. Of course people will lose data from time to time, but can this be compared to the amount they lose collectively due to missing flash drives, pouring water on their computers, porn viruses and EFCC confiscation? (At this point, I want to ask Higgs if he had ever had his computer confiscated by the EFCC but I decide, I just don’t want to know)

UNUS: Guy, sod off. I need to work.


Even though, Higgs is an idiot. I think he is right. The Future is in The Cloud. And yes, the Singularity is at hand. When all technologies will be redefined and all rules of the business game as we know it will break down and change completely. Whether this technology will lead to convergence or divergence is another question entirely. However, Chaos Theory is certain of one thing… all hell will break loose. And Chaos will rule supreme. We are rubbing our hands gleefully… muahahauahahahahahahah.


If you need a Theory to unravel  the Chaos your brand faces every day, get in touch with us .


Chaos Rules!


*Names have been changed to protect the innocent (or the stupid )